
MultiContent's CMS generates a series of different types of content (articles, video pages, photo galleries, surveys, content tables, profiles, etc.), which makes it complex and difficult to maintain. My team's challenge was to design and develop a generic type of content that would attend different needs with a unique technological base and easy maintenance and evolution.

We began with a survey of content types and unattended needs. We designed MultiContent, a CMS and client-side solution, based on atomic design. Multicontent meets all types of content classified from its components. A content with a massive body of text is recognized as an article, a page with videos only is recognized as a playlist of videos, etc.

MultiContent CMS had Backstage's UI and APIs already finished as its base. The designed experience aimed for a simplified content insertion flow, with automated metadata filling from used content types. As a 100% responsive and mobile-first solution, MultiContent executed actions of cutouts, insertions, and alignments automatically, keeping the editor focused on writing and organizing content.

With the same requirements in the client-side (mobile-first, 100% responsive), I designed a responsive interface in all its elements, structured in one single column, organized according to the device width. The main breakpoints used in the project attended the devices used in more than 70% of content consumption on that time.